Tag Archives: pottery

An Erratic Life

Our lives seem to be particularly erratic these days.  We are homeschooling, trying to get some semblance of a routine, but that hasn’t happened yet.  I keep thinking it will, any time now… Each morning I wake up with a plan, fully intending for it to be put into action and assume everything will fall into place.  I’ve thought this since the end of May when we pulled Emma from her school.  At a certain point I may realize my plans will not be realized, at a certain point I may even stop making them, but I’m not there yet.

Meanwhile I’m trying to figure it out.  How is this going to work?  Why hasn’t the ceramics studio, where I’m hoping to get Emma pottery lessons, returned my calls?  What about swimming?  I’ve totally dropped the ball on setting up swimming lessons.  Then I spin off into a reverie about the word Schwimmen, which we’ve recently learned is the German word for swimming and why it is that in German all nouns are capitalized, and the stress mounts.

My latest brilliant idea is that yoga is the answer.  I hate yoga.  An emoticon does not exist for the expression on my face when I think of yoga.  I am old enough to remember when yoga was a thing back in the 70’s. Perhaps this was my first mistake, thinking this latest craze would be similar.  As I have an inexplicable dislike for yoga it made perfect sense that I would go online to see if I could find yoga for the Wii.   Some things are better done in private I reasoned.  The only DVD I didn’t already own was more than fifty dollars.  No, I thought.  This is not the answer.  And then I had to have a serious talk with myself.  This is a pattern for me.  Looking for answers to things I already have the answer to.  Yoga is out, redialing that pottery studio for Emma is in…  Wish me luck.
