Time To Dance

Hearing music alleviates anxiety and welcomes dappled drops clasping gleeful feelings, radiating inward and outward simultaneously.  Like bursts of intense flavor, music explodes in the body.  Only a few stoic souls can ignore its command to move.  Dancing is the healthy choice.  Turn on your favorite music and give yourself permission to become a part of those notes.

12 responses to “Time To Dance

  1. Love this so much, and such an apt image to accompany it. I feel passionately about music, the way it can enhance or even alter emotion, the way it can bring the comfort of familiarity or the excitement of something new. Its complexity rewards intense focus on rhythm, melody, lyrics. And to yield to its motion and dance is nothing less than rapturous. ❤

  2. Stephanie James

    I agree so much, Emma! My grown autistic daughter loves music, memorizes entire songs and dances to music to alleviate stress. She also participates in Autism Movement Therapy, dancing to many different kinds of music and loving every minute of it. Thank you for your beautiful words!

  3. I feel the same way but never could have expressed it so well. Thank you, Emma!

  4. Reblogged this on Crazy Good Parent and commented:
    Music, dancing, anything that works is something you should do to help cope with stress, anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder–whatever ails ya.

  5. Thank you, Emma! That’s a superb description of how music makes me feel!

  6. The Musical Autist

    Hi Emma and Ariane!! Emma, would you be interesting in having a guest page on The Musical Autist website?

    You would be free to do with your page as you wish. You could copy/paste articles like this one (which is AMAZING) or, you could write entirely original posts directed toward musical autists everywhere. We would be honored to have you, no matter how you wish to proceed. Just let me know, Thanks!

    CJ Shiloh, MT-BC Neurologic Music Therapist Director of The Musical Autist, 501c3

    Brevity and typos courtesy of my iPhone


  7. Hey Emma!
    As a neurologic music therapist, I appreciate hearing about your experience with music. Yesterday, I was supporting a young man with autism to type his reaction to some neurologic drumming we had done. He replied, “That was amazing because from your drums I was totally able to end my crazy thinking. The rhythm is very helpful to my body.”

    Casey DePriest, MT-BC, NMT
    Optimal Rhythms, Inc / ACCESS Academy

  8. Hi Emma,
    I love your blog!

    To me, the best art has two profound qualities:
    1) It connects – or really, shows a connection – between the artist and the audience. It assures the reader (or viewer or listener): No, it’s not just you – you’re not alone!
    2) It shows the audience member a new perspective on something. The reader sees something they didn’t recognize before.

    And both leave the recipient speechlessly thinking: “Wow! Just wow!”
    Your writing does that – and brilliantly!

    I’m so looking forward to reading more of what you write. (And I hope that someday I even get an opportunity to hear you sing.)

    Thank you, Emma!

  9. Marvelous Musical Magic! Thank you Emma!

  10. Reblogged this on vallennie and commented:
    Music Therapy research is providing amazing information about results, strategies and benefits of Music involvement in the education of those with disabilities. – musicbestbuys.com

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