“Mistaken Beliefs People Have”

I asked Emma what she wanted to write about this afternoon during her writing session.  She typed, “Deconstructing the mistaken beliefs people have.”

I encouraged her to continue and asked what she was thinking of specifically.  She typed, “Mostly what people think they understand there cannot be, when talking about autism, creating lots of bad ideas that attract unoriginal therapies we must put up with.”

“Wow!  Keep going,” I urged.

“Actors playing roles the audience greets with enthusiasm, but an autistic person who doesn’t speak as expected, or at all, is booed off stages throughout the world.”

“Such a great point,” I said.

Emma typed, “The people of this world need to be exposed to difference and then shown compassion for their ignorance and limited thinking.”

She smiled and then typed, “Put it on the blog!”

And so I am.


25 responses to ““Mistaken Beliefs People Have”

  1. Ariane and Emma-
    I have not commented in a long time but I continue to read (and love!) your blog. I love what Emma has shared here. I love how she supports compassion for those that previously may have not been compassionate towards her. That is incredibly open-minded and kind-emotions many adults do not seem to have.
    I have been running short.on patience with other practitioners who have limited understanding and acceptance. This post served as a reminder for me as well. Thank you both.

  2. ❤ "Put it on the blog!"
    Yes!! Thank you Emma ❤
    I am smiling too!

  3. Well written, Emma! ❤
    I totally agree: exposure to differences, especially when led by a sympathetic guide, can replace the ignorant fear of the unknown with understanding and acceptance.

  4. Thank you Emma!!! You are a wonderful advocate and instructor!!!!! I always look forward to what you have to share with us. 🙂 Keep up the work of exposing your life and your thoughts with us. I believe this will continue to help bring about your stated goal. Best to you!

  5. Emma, you have wisdom and insight many in this world need to have. It is people like you that are the best hope for the future of humanity. You are awesome!

  6. Thanks Emma! You are a lovely example of kindness and tolerance.

  7. Showing compassion for limited thinking… that is the key to so much in life when you want to make things happen, and Emma has already figured it out! Thank You Emma, I am excited about the wisdom that you bring. By the way, it is not the first time that the day’s photo of Emma was in the same position as Ariane’s photo alongside her… beautiful!

  8. Emma has such a wonderful way with words. I love hearing her views on your blog.
    What a wonderful young woman, you must be so proud. I imagine her to be a beautiful author in the future.
    I often see her as a role model for my daughter, who I will introduce to your blog once she’s a little older ❤

  9. Brilliant and insightful as ever Emma!

  10. These are such wise words from someone so young. You must be so proud of Emma.

  11. A most timely gem of wisdom. Thank you, Emma! I have been boxing with the shadows of discrimination lately, most likely stemming from sheer ignorance, and it is very tiring. (Trying to educate certain persons about the difference between a pet dog and a disability service dog, being as conciliatory and polite as possible, while standing firm on the clarity of a discrimination law that nobody seems to understand or want to understand.)

    Your words have once again lifted me and given me hope and mental strength to carry on.

  12. thank you, emma, for sharing this with all of us! ❤

  13. Reblogged this on Exceptional Delaware and commented:
    Emma is autistic, but she is also a great human being with depths of wisdom. We need many more Emmas in the world.

  14. Wow! I do not have autism, but I am speechless. In fact, I am happy to be, in order to allow Emma’s thoughts to linger in my heart and mind. I am so grateful for your help & compassion Emma.

  15. “Actors playing roles the audience greets with enthusiasm, but an autistic person who doesn’t speak as expected, or at all, is booed off stages throughout the world.” << This girl is amazing!!! ❤ yes always put it on the blog 🙂 🙂 Her language is so eloquent and poetic!

  16. Once a week I read Emma’s blog to my 13 year autistic non speaker – this morning he got up out of his swing where he had been listening came over to me with the biggest smile, tapped me on the shoulder and tapped the iPad as if to say “spot on Emma”

  17. What a wonderful child – I am new here and am so impressed with Emma and her compassion – thanks for sharing.

  18. actors playing roles – is that what neurotypicals expect autistic people to be, and cant expect anything else? they do have bad ideas about autism, connect it to violence and lack of empathy and selfishness. non-speaking autistic are booted off the world, shut out.
    Emma is a beautiful child with a fascinating mind.

  19. I hope that before Emma has to be an adult that the world will me less inclined to boo us from the stage. I cannot say I see much sign of improvement over time there.

    I don’t really understand all of the mechanism that makes it so easy for people to write about inclusion but so hard for them to just include.

    They describe us in ways where our essential humanity is questioned while the while business of making an industry out of describing and treating every way we are different is somehow humane? I cannot say we would meet social norms better if we had a less upsetting aggregate norm. Never having been presented one I couldn’t guess but it would be nice to have to the chance.

  20. “The people of this world need to be exposed to difference and then shown compassion for their ignorance and limited thinking.” Wise words from a very wise and very beautiful young lady. SO PROUD of you Emma.

    Yours truly,
    Nisha from South Africa

  21. It’s be cool if my 12 y.o. autistic nephew could read your blog on a regular basis. The only autistic he knows is me–I’m not his age, so peer input might help him understand the autistic world better. His NT peers have been teaching him unkind things to say and think. He even goes with those two peers to insult “retarded” people, girls, “old people”, and “stupid” teachers. He needs better peers or at least peer in addition to the unkind ones. I am unsure if he is open to reading this yet. I *try* to guide him but he’s only here w me 2 weeks out of the year. Thanks for being here Emma!

  22. “The people of this world need to be exposed to difference and then shown compassion for their ignorance and limited thinking.”
    Nail head, meet hammer!

  23. Beautiful! I just tweeted the above sentence, through @autitecture

  24. Pingback: Autism Unveiled: Emma: an #Autistic girl whose body and mouth-words do not always pay attention to her bright and wise mind | The Art of Autism

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